Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

It is my assumption, and certainly my hope, that most readers of this blog will have something much better to do on Christmas day than to sit before a computer screen or squinch their eyes at a smart phone.   This thought has little to with whether you observe Christmas, whether you have ever even heard of Christmas, or whether you have actually arrived at the age of eye-squinching.  Something similar could probably be said of National Fisheries Awareness Day.

But I do celebrate Christmas, which is a big family event for us.  We are about to celebrate the holiday in a remote rural place where the “reception” is either poor or enthusiastic, depending on whether you speak of cell phones or grandchildren.   As Saint Lawrence once remarked, it’s always good to get off the grid for a day or two,  So, wishing all my readers a Merry Christmas, I shall hope to return to this page on New Year’s Day.